Monday, May 20, 2013

Maruti Suzuki - Ertiga (engine oil leakage)

Writing this email with lot of dissappointment with respect to Maruti Suzuki premium segment car - Ertiga for which I spent ~8.5 lacs for having discomfort. Truly, there is no more proud feeling associated with the brand for which I have been loyal for almost 15 years and owning multiple variants.

1) Vehicle was delivered without minimum fuel at my residence. Hence, faced with disappointment when tried to start the vehicle for the first time and it did not start. Had to take empty containers for purchase of fuel late night. Pathetic service provided by Rana Motors, Gurgaon
2) Continuous dripping of engine oil. Spent almost 6 weekends in getting the repair done at workshops - Coral motors (Bareilly), Rana Motors (Gurgaon) & Apra motors (Gurgaon). But, the problem still persist.
3) Multiple times the underbody assembly has been opened to fix the problem
4) Second row A/c noise, though now fixed with multiple packing but has made the cabin and upholstery dirty
5) Continues noise from steering wheel and thud sound (engine & probably suspensions) when on uneven road
6) Sudden power loss in acceleration - local terminology "Missing"
7) Charge for topping of engine oil by Coral Motors though this is a manufacturing fault
8) Complaints registered with Maruti gets closed without resolution and taking feedback from customer

It has caused lot of inconvenience and that too with a new vehicle from the country renowned brand which is trusted by millions

Looking forward for a revert from your end.

Other details
Maruti Complaint# - 1695246903, 5047498887, 1949621535 and some more...
date of purchase - Oct'12
Mobile: 9810248107
Vehicle - HR26BU8307

 Submitted by: harsh arora on May 18, 2013


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